State Room, East Lansing, MI
The State Room, East Lansing, MI, February 14, 1960
This menu for The State Room, a restaurant at Michigan State University specializing in upscale dining, does not look like a typical Valentine's Day menu. Instead of hearts and cupids with arrows, it depicts court jesters--one juggling, one playing the lute, and one in a handstand--decked in colorful motley-patterned clothing more reminiscent of Mardi Gras than Valentine’s Day. The inside, however, wishes you a "Happy Valentine's Day" and has many themed dishes (Love Portion, Valentine Salad, Cupid's Cake, Strawberries with Whip Cream and Coconut-Valentine "Cooky", and Sweetheart Parfait). We don't know if these dishes were renamed, tweaked in color or shape, or created especially as Valentine's Day treats.
From the Culinary Institute of America Menu Collection, George Lang Menu Collection, menu 2-1174.