Frontenac Cafe, Detroit, MI

Frontenac Cafe, A Merry Christmas, dinner [menu]

Frontenac Cafe, Detroit, MI, December 25, 1919

Although lacking the decorative embellishments of other holiday menus, the printed green text and decorative font on this plain menu cover lend it an air of holiday spirit.  The menu offers two fixed price dinner options: the $1.50 meal or the $2.00 meal. Both options are similar except the more expensive choice includes stuffed celery (instead of unstuffed) and an extra course of frog's legs or whitefish. Both choices include turkey and sweet potato surprise as the entree. Dessert choices are mince pie, plum pudding, or ice cream and cake.

Note the absence of any wine or liquor on the menu. Detroit was one of the first cities to ban the sale, consumption or manufacturing of alcohol, almost two years before Prohibition officially began nationally in January 1920.

From the Culinary Institute of America Menu Collection, Herbert Ernest Menu Collection, menu 5-156.

Frontenac Cafe, Detroit, MI