Onteora Speedway

Onteora Speedway Ad (Courtesy of the Maevis Shurter Collection)

Onteora Speedway Program (Courtesy of the Maevis Shurter Collection)
Onteora Speedway was a banked 1/2 mile dirt track built on a 65 acre plot located on Route 213 and raced under the Hudson Valley Racing Association sanction. Officers of the speedway included...
Raymond Davis - President
Larry Shurter - Vice President
H. Edgar Timmerman - Secretary
Richard Lane - Treasurer
Dick McCarthy - Announcer

Daily Freeman Article (Courtesy of the Maevis Shurter Collection)

Ernie Beesmer 1961 (Courtesy of the Maevis Shurter Collection)

Onteora Speedway (Courtesy of the Maevis Shurter Collection)

Onteora Speedway Sign